Thursday, April 19, 2018

TASK 5 : Present/Past Participle after "be" and Base Form Verbs after Modals

TASK 5 : Present/Past Participle after "be" and Base Form Verbs after Modals 

Present/Past Participle after "be"

1.      He was studying math every day
2.      The cake was cut into five equal pieces
3.      Panjul has finished his study at university
4.      Asep was watching movie in the cinema
5.      He’s smelling blooming flowers
6.      Lunch is served from 12:00 to 13:00
7.      Nani may be helping her mother in the backyard
8.      the student is prepearing themselve before the exam
9.      adit is bringing some foods for the party
10.  the children are eating at the dining table
11.  He must have visited his girlfriend
12.  She will be working at the office
13.  He will be eating at the restaurant
14.  They will be riding the bike to lenteng together
15.  Maybe he is smiling to you

Base Form Verbs after Modals

1.      You must telling him the truth
2.      She may be right, you know
3.      I think the mountain could be erupt
4.      he may telling the truth to you because he is very truthful
5.      you must keeping the item
6.      you may sick
7.      i can drive very well
8.      you must be joking
9.      the flood will come to jakarta tonight
10.  she will help you for the answer a question
11.  she would has been forgive you
12.   i will give you something
13.  you should be think before action
14.  ilham should be search the girlfriend in the real life
15.  adit will search money for his wife's

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Task 4 : Agreement After Certain Words And Past Participle after "have"

Task 4 : Agreement After Certain Words And Past Participle after "have"

Agreement After Certain Words

Everyanimal in the zoo needs  a food
Everybody must sleeps atleast 8 hours per day
Everybody in the theater is watching the film
Everybody in the house is wathing the tv
Each plant in the garden appears healty and strong
Everyvehicle in the street must pay tax every year
Anyone are listening to you, your speech is not interesting. 
Someone were looking through our window.
Everybody is going to the theater.
Everyone is going to the market
Everystudent must learn to be smart
Nobody cares about you
Each flower in the pot grows beautifully
Everyfruit always contains vitamin
Everytable in the kitchen has food

Past Participle after "have"

The food served in this restaurant is delicious
The plane landed on the deserted runway
The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime
The classes were taught by Professor Smith
The mailman has left a letter in the mailbox
We have already heard the bad news
They has ridden the bicycle to school everyday
The bread just baked this morning smelled delicious
I have always loved you.
He has ridden his bicycle to market every day
Panjul has finished his study at a gunadarma university
I have been waiting for you in the hospital
The letter left in the mailbox was for me
He has already eaten breakfast today
He has been eating lunch since 12 noon

Sumber :

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Task 3 : Agreement After Prepositional Phrases And Expressions of Quantity

Task 3 : Agreement After Prepositional Phrases And Expressions of Quantity

Agreement After Prepositional Phrases

1.      The money in the cupboard is empty
2.      The key to the doors is in the drawer
3.      The meeting (of the members of the council) begins at 3:00 in the afternoon.
4.      The subject (of the lectures) was quite interesting
5.      The food (for the guests at the party) is on the long tables
6.      The waiters and waitresses (in this restaurant) always serve the food efficiently
7.      The television must be
off  in the night
8.      The students are read the book in the class
9.      The bed in the room of the house is going to be washed today
10.  The survivors on the mid of the sea need to be rescued.
11.  The players in the losing team in the competition are not very talented.
12.  Footballers at Arsenal have never won a league title
13.  Real madrid has 12 champions league titles
14.   The dogs bark at night
15.  The doors in the room were locked

     Agreement After Expressions of Quantity

1.      The movie was just to violent for me
2.      Some children play here on the weekend
3.      She has a lot of dogs
4.      Lots of women work here
5.      She  made us lots of coffee
6.      She  keeps most of her books in the shelf
7.      He ate all the apples last night
8.      He has a lot of cake
9.      Everyone is taking the line to get a ticket
10.  Panjul has a cat named blacky
11.  Asep eating a cake
12.  Cat ate a fish last night
13.  Some of people  were cross the street
14.  Adit  go to market this Friday