Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Task 8 : International Journal

Task 8 : International Journal

Judul PI :
Pembuatan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Huruf Hijaiyah Berbasis Android Menggunakan Adobe Flash Professional CS 6

Journal 1:

( http://portal.ejurnal.net/index.php/seruni/article/view/1033/928)


    Abstract: School as a place to study require a medium of learning. Instructional media containinginformation about the lessons that will be used by teachers to convey a lesson. TK Pertiwi Pacitan in terms of learning the letter hijaiyah still use conventional learning media. But with the conventional media is not very attractive to use, so the need for an exciting learning medium that can make children become interested in learning

     The purpose of this study was to create a Media Learning Introduction Letter Hijaiyah multimedia form and benefit from the introduction of letters Hijaiyah Learning Media is a renewal of the medium of learning in TK Pertiwi.

        In this study the authors tried to make the learning application that contains the basic knowledge of letters hijaiyah dsertai with animation, audio and explanation how to read the letters in order to complete the learning media letters hijaiyah more interactive.


1.1 Background Issues

      In the development of technology world especially in the computer world, people are increasingly need a medium that can help solve the problem quickly. Such problems usually can found in the kindergarten children today experiencing boredom in learning activities teaching is memorizing like rote letters hijaiyah.

   TK Pertiwi is currently in activity learning to teach is still using learning media of a nature conventional. It is very ineffective and efficient in teaching and learning activities.

      Solve the problem can be done with using computer media help. One of use of computers in activities learning is becoming a medium learning. One of Letter Introduction Hijaiyah through Interactive Learning Media is one of the learning media which can be poured into a CD and can be developed into an interesting learning for kindergarten children

1.2 Problem Formulation

1.       How to Make Media Learning Letter Introduction Hijaiyah as media interactive learning?
2.       Is the media effective enough when used?

1.3 Limitation Problems

Based on the formulation of the problem presented, then a Media will be created Learning Introduction to Hijaiyah Letters, categorized around basic knowledge letters hijaiyah for kindergarten children, equipped with audio and description how to read the letter.

1.4 Objectives

The purpose of this research is

1.      Students are able to produce Learning Media Letter Introduction Hijaiyah in an interactive 
       TK Pertiwi.
2.       Implementing an application easy to use and learn by user.
      continued from the journal : http://portal.ejurnal.net/index.php/seruni/article/view/1033/928

Jurnal 2 :




Hijaiyah alphabet is letters used in the Qur’an. An attractive and exciting learning process of Hijaiyah alphabet is necessary for the children. One of the alternatives to create attractive and interesting learning process of Hijaiyah alphabet is to develop it into a mobile application using augmented reality technology. Augmented reality is a technology that combines two-dimensional or three-dimensional virtual objects into actual three-dimensional circles and projects them in real time. The purpose of application aims to foster the children interest in learning Hijaiyah alphabet. This application is using Smartphone and marker as the medium. It was built using Unity and augmented reality library, namely Vuforia, then using Blender as the 3D object modeling software. The output generated from this research is the learning application of Hijaiyah letters using augmented reality. How to use it is as follows: first, place marker that has been registered and printed; second, the smartphone camera will track the marker. If the marker is invalid, the user should repeat the tracking process. If the marker is valid and identified, the marker will have projected the objects of Hijaiyah alphabet in three-dimensional form. Lastly, the user can learn and understand the shape and pronunciation of Hijaiyah alphabet by touching the virtual button on the marker

1. Introduction

Technology is evolving very rapidly; this development makes technology help humans in all fields. One of the technological development examples is augmented reality. Augmented reality is a technology that combines two-dimensional or three-dimensional virtual objects into actual threedimensional circles and projects them in real time. Augmented reality can be applied to the sense of hearing and touch. Besides being utilized in areas such as healthcare, military, and manufacturing industries augmented reality can be implemented to learning media, one of which is learning the Qur’an.
Augmented reality (AR) technology is an impressive multimedia technology development since it is not only impressing the users but also making them feel entertained and enjoy the technology as well as gain some useful information. Augmented reality (AR) technology is a variation of virtual environments that thoroughly immerse users in a synthetic environment [1].
The augmented reality which usually runs on Android platform has the advantages that can provide experience and knowledge of the subject easy to be understood by the learners. It also can be implemented to give information to the user [6]. With these advantages, augmented reality can be used as an engaging and interactive method of learning. Based on these matters, we were motivated to develop augmented reality application to give children a different learning process on understanding Arabic letters in the Holy Quran. It also can stimulate the children to be more active in learning Hijaiyah letters through Android in the future. In learning Hijaiyah alphabet, a child tends to experience tiredness and boredom. Therefore, a solution is required to tackle this problem so children do not easily get bored and saturated during the learning period. Other studies related to augmented reality has been conducted earlier, among which is Pratama (2014). In his research, they implemented augmented reality in the development of Android-based bataknese musical instrument Taganing introduction [2]. In the study, He used a marker with five 3D objects, and each object produced a different sound.
Yudiantika et al. (2013) conducted research to implement augmented reality on museum by developing an educational application for museum visitors [3]. In 2014. Nugraha, in his research, utilized augmented reality in Piano basic learning. [4]. Nugraha developed a useful application for theory learning of Piano to assist the users on Piano chord lessons.

2. Methodology

         System modeling aims to simplify the development and comprehension of the system. System modeling consists of general architecture, general design flowchart, 3D object creation flowchart, marker creation flowchart, application development flowchart and use case diagram.

2.1. General Architecture

        The general architecture of the proposed method for the learning process of Hijaiyah alphabet is shown in Figure 1. The proposed steps of the application development using augmented reality are as follows: User is going to place the marker that has been registered; smartphone camera will be tracking the marker. If the marker tracking is invalid, user should repeat the tracking process. If the marker is valid or identified, the marker will have projected the objects of Hijaiyah alphabet in threedimensional form. The object of Hijaiyah alphabet will be placed on the identified marker; the user can listen to Hijaiyah letters pronunciation by touching the marker on the virtual button; system generates the sound of the selected Hijaiyah letter through the smart phone.

continued from the jurnal : http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012102/pdf

Source : 


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

T7 : Exercise about Coordinate Connectors

T7 : Exercise about Coordinate Connectors

1.       A spacecraft is freed from fiction ___ launched into space.
A.  It
B.  It is
C.  After is
D. After it is
The clause above is adverb clause, “after” is the connector and followed by the subject “it”

2.        ___ with their surroundings, or they hide in crevices for protection.
A.        Lobsters
B.        Lobsters blend
C.        Lobsters blending
D.       Because lobsters blend
The clause above is using coordinate connectors “or” and followed by the
subject “they” 

3.        _____ a ball-and-socket joint, the elbow is a simple hinge joint.
A.        While the shoulder
B.        While the shoulder is
C.        The shoulder is
D.       The shoulder
The clause above is using adverb of time, “while” is the connector and it’s followed by the subject “the shoulder”

4.        A car has several sections with moving parts, ___ of those parts is essential.
             A.       Good lubrication
             B.       Well lubricated
             C.       And good lubrication
             D.      And well lubricated
             The clause above is using coordinate connectors, “and” is the connector and it’s 
             followed by  the subject “good lubrication”

5.       Bears cannot see well ___ small eyes.
A.        Bears have
B.        Because having
C.        Because they have
D.       Because of bears
The clause above is adverb clause, “because” is the connector and followed by the subject “they”

6.   ____ at the isthmus of Panama, so animals were able to migrate between North and 
     South America.
      A.           A land bridge existed
      B.           When a land bridge existed
      C.           A land bridge
      D.          With a land bridge
       The clause above is coordinate connector “at” and followed by the subject “the 
       isthmus of Panama”

7.     ____ mostly made of granite, it also contains some human-made materials.
      A.        The Empire State Building
      B.        The Empire State Building is
      C.        Although the Empire State Building is
      D.       Although the Empire State Building is built
             The clause above is ……, “although” is connector and followed by the subject “the 
             Empire State Building”

8.        Pressure differences make the eardrum vibrate ____ the ear.
        A.        Enters the sound wave
        B.        As sound wave
        C.        Sound waves enter
        D.       As sound waves enter
        The clause above is adverb of time, “as” is the connector and followed by the 
        subject “sound waves”

9.       An optical microscope magnifies as much as 2, 000 times, but an electron 
        microscope ___ as much as a million times.
A.           Magnifying
B.           It magnifies
C.           Can magnify
D.          Magnify it
The clause above is coordinate connector “but” and followed by the subject “an electron               microscope”

10.     If scientific estimates are accurate, ____ with the Earth about 20, 000 years ago.
A.           The Canon Diablo meteorite collided
B.           The collision of the Canon Diablo meteorite
C.           The Canon Diablo meteorite colliding
D.          Colliding the Canon Diablo meteorite
The clause above is adverb of condition, “if” is connector and followed by subject “scientific estimate are accurate”

11.      Nuclear power can be produced by fusion, ____ produced by fission.
A.           It can also be
B.           It can also
C.           And it can also be
D.          And it can also
The clause above is coordinate connector “and” and followed by the subject “ it”

12.     ____ igneous rocks may be changed into gneisses,
             A.           The temperature is high
             B.           If the temperature is high
             C.           High temperatures
             D.          If high temperature
 The clause above is adverb of condition, “if” is the connector and followed by the   subject “ the temperature”

13.     Because a family of birds set up housekeeping in Joel Chandler Harris’s 
         mailbox when the birds were on need of a place to stay, ___ the Wren’s Nest.
A.           The home is named
B.           So the home is named
C.           Naming the home
D.          The home’s name
The clause above is adverb of condition, “because” is connector and followed by the subject “a    family of birds”

14.     Today the true story of ___ at Little Bighorn remains a mystery.
A.           Happened
B.           It happened
C.           What happened
D.          What happening
The clause above is noun clause, “what” is connector and subject, and followed by 
verb “happened”

15.      For more than a decade, ___ that certain species are becoming scarce.
A.           The warning or bird-watchers
B.           Warn the bird-watchers
C.           Bird-watchers have warned
D.          A warning for bird-watchers
The clause above is noun clause, “

16.     Early in the eighteen century, Halley accurately predicted 
         when ___ of the 1682 would return.
A.           The comet
B.           Was the comet
C.           The comet was
D.          Had the comet
The clause above is noun clause, “when” is connector and followed by the subject 
“the comet of the 1682”

17.      No single factor explains why ___ vary so greatly among individuals.
         A.           Aging affects
         B.           The effects of aging
         C.           Aging has an effect
         D.          The aging effect
 The clause above is noun clause, “why” is connector and subject, and 
 followed by “single factor”

18.    Lack of clarity about ___ the party in the coming year will be removed at the 
        party’s convention.
            A.              Will lead
            B.              Lead
            C.              They will lead
            D.             Who will lead
            The clause above is noun clause, “who” is connector and subject 
followed by verb “will lead”

19.     We do not ___ the bow drill was first developed for woodworking or fire making.
             A.                 Whether it
             B.                 Know whether it
             C.                 Know whether
             D.                Sure whether
The clause above is adverb clause, "whether" is connector and subject 
 followed by subject "the bow drill"

20.    Minute Man National Historical Park is a monument to where ____.
A.                 The beginning of the Revolutionary War
B.                 In the beginning of the Revolutionary War
C.                 The Revolutionary War to begin
D.                The Revolutionary War to begin
The clause above is coordinate connector “where” and followed by the the subject “the revolutionary”

21.  Test on the colors of cars were conducted at the University of California 
       to determine ___ the safest colors for cars.
A.                 Which
B.                 Which were
C.                 If
D.                How were
The clause above is adjective clause, “which” is connector and subject,  and followed by verb “were”

22.  The National Institute of Dental Research estimates ___ in fluoridated 
       areas have about 25 percent less tooth decay when children elsewhere.
       A.              For school children
       B.              School children’s
       C.              That school children 
       D.             That for school children
The clause above is noun clause, “when” is connector and followed by the subject “school chidren’s”

23.  The process of photosynthesis explains how ___ able to use the energy in sunlight 
       to manufacture foods from the simple chemicals in air and water.
       A.           Green plants
       B.           Green plants are 
       C.           Planting greens
       D.          With green plants are
                The clause above is noun clause. “how” is connector and followed by the subject “green plants”

24.   The Moon’s gravity pulls water on the near side of the Earth toward the Moon, 
        and this is what ____ tides to occur.
        A.           The cause
        B.           Causes 
        C.           Causing
        D.          The cause of
 The clause above is coordinate connector “and”, and followed by the subject “this”

25.    It is not clear whether the subdivisions of the neocortex ___ units.
        A.        Individual
        B.        Are individual
        C.        They are individualy
        D.       Individually
The clause above is noun clause, “whether” is connector and followed by the subject “the subdivision of the cortex”

26.    Modern humans, who first appeared about 600, 000 years ago, ____ Homo sapiens.
        A.           callin.
        B.           were called 
        C.           they called 
        D.          they were called
The clause above is noun clause, “who” is connector and followed by the subject “first”

27.    The first writing ___ evidence of is on Mesopotamian clay tablets.
         A.           We
         B.           That we
         C.           Has 
         D.          That we have
The clause above is adjective clause. “that” is connector and followed by the subject “we”

28.    ___ drought-resistant plants which store water in fleshy tissue.
       A.           Succulents are
       B.           Succulents
       C.           They are succulents
       D.          Succulents which are
       The clause above is noun clause “which” is connector and followed by the subject 
       “store water”

29.   Benjamin Kablesky, whom ___ as Jack Benny, was a famous comedian in 
       vaudeville and on radio and television.
       A.           Most people’s knowledge
       B.           Most people know 
       C.           Knowing most people 
       D.          The knowledge of most people
The clause above is adjective clause, “who” is connector and followed by the subject “most people”

30.    ___ the hunted other animals tended to have very narrow, sharp, curved claws.
       A.        For dinosaurs
       B.        Dinosaurs are known
       C.        Dinosaurs 
       D.       Like dinosaurs 
       The clause above is noun clause, “that” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “hunted”

31.   The first eyeglasses had convex lenses for the aged who ___ farsighted.
       A.        Had become 
       B.        They had become
       C.        Becoming
       D.       It became 
       The clause above is adjective clause, “who is connector and subject, and followed by verb “had”

32.    Chimney Rock, ___ 500 feet above the North Platte River, has eroded 
        considerably in the last two centuries.
        A.        Stands
        B.        Is standing
        C.        It stands
        D.       Which stands
The clause above is adjective clause, “which” is connector and suject, and followed by verb “stands”

33.    ____ that accompany recurring bouts of severe depression reduce bone density.
       A.        It changes hormones
       B.        Hormonal changes
       C.        The hormones change
       D.       The changes in hormones is
The clause above is adjective clause, “that” is is connector and subject, and followed by verb “accompany”

34.    Willa Cather is an author ___ for her evocative and memorable vision of frontier prairie life.
A.                 Whom readers
B.                 The praise of readers
C.                 Whom praising
D.                Whom readers praise
The clause above is adjective clause, “ whom” is connector and followed by the subject “readers”

35.    Mars’s tiny moon Phobos is a small mountain of rock that ___ from the asteroid 
        belt by Mars’s gravitational pull. 
         A.              Was probably captured
B.              It probably
C.              The probable capture
D.             Probably the capture
 The clause above is adjective clause, “that” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “was”

36.    Some scientists think ___ be a planet but a moon of Neptune.
        A.              That Pluto does not seem
        B.              Not Pluto
        C.              Pluto that might not 
        D.             That Pluto might not
The clause above is adjective clause, “that” is connector and followed by the subject “was”

37.     Fort Union was the site of what ___ principal fur-trading post on the upper 
         Missouri River.
A.              The
B.              Being the
C.              Was the
D.             It was the
The clause above is noun clause, “what” is connector and subject, and followed by verb “was”

38.    Since ___ commercial risk, it has to appeal to a large audience to justify its cost.
        A.              The face of the movie
        B.              Moving faces
        C.              A movie faces
        D.             To face a movie
The clause above is adverb clause, “since” is connector and followed by the subject “a movie”